Monday 17 December 2012

New Year Quotes

New Year Quotes


May every day of the new year glow with good cheer & happiness for you & your family. Happy New Year

"The secreat of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.” I wish you success in all the opportunities that come your way this year… Have a prosperous New Year!

Open a New Dairy, Yes its New Year! The Blank Pages, says that we duno whats next, mark the days with Happy and Joyful words! Create Opportunities, the chapters of your life! Give your best to make the best of yourself! Greet the challenges with a smile! Make your dairy with worth millions! I made my dairy colorful, Now your Turn! Best Wishes! Keep Smilling, as it needs just articulation of 14 muscles! Happy New Year.

Here’s hoping that the new year is in every way complete. With happiness, Success, good health, and all that makes life sweet. Happy New Year.

Memorable moment are celebrated together you are my best friend now & forever, Hope this year bring Happiness for you Make me Miss You even more this New Year. Happy New Year.

Remember the laughter, the joy, the hard work, and the tears. And as you reflect on the past year, also think of the new one to come. Because most importantly, this is a time of new beginnings and the celebration of life. Happy New Year

The new year is a time meant for laughter and cheer, for sharing warm moments with those you hold dear, for affectionate thoughts and for bright dreams come true… and for wishing good luck in all that do. Happy New Year

Wishing you Beautiful moments, Treasured Memories, And all the blessings A heart can know! Happy New Year!

Sending your way these lovely blossoms To wish you bright and happy days All through the coming year. Best wishes for a Happy New Year of Blithe and ecstasy.

When the mid-nit bell rings to nitht.. let is signigy new and better things for you, let it signify a realization of all things you wish for, Let if signify a year of courage and believes, Wishing you a very…. Very….. very prosperous Happy New Year

Friends are not beautiful as they look, as they walk & as they talk. Friends are beautiful as they sincere, as they care & as they remember Happy New Year My Friends

Happy New Year. My wishes for U my Friends… Great Beginning for Jan Love For Feb.. Peace for March No worries for April.. Fun for May Joy for June & July.. Achievements for  August.. harmony for Sept.. good fortune For Oct & Nov.. Happiness for December. Happy New Year.

Nights are Dark but Days are Light, Wish your Life will always be Bright. So my Dear don’t get Fear Coz, God Gift us a “BRAND NEW YEAR” HAPPY NEW YEAR.

May the star carry shine upon you, may the flowers fill your heart with beauty may hope forever wipe away your tears, and above all, may this new year be wonderful! HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Fill your life with happiness and Bright Cheer, Bring to u joy and Prosperity for the whole Year, wishing you a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.


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